Each navy has it strengths and weaknesses, it's up to you to get the best out of each faction. The game has seven factions you can choose from namely: The United States Navy, the Japanese Imperial Fleet, Italy's Regia Marina, Great Britain's Royal Navy, Vichy France, Free France and of course last but not least the Kriegsmarine of Germany. In addition to these 80 classes, the developers are thinking of adding more ships and submarines of diverse classes and countries in future dlc's and updates. For example, you'll be able to control ships like the Littorio class battleship of the Italian Navy or the Richelieu class battleship of the French Navy. There are over 80 classes of ships and submarines available in the game, a lot of these classes are not covered in other naval games. The title of this post says it all, finally a new naval game has been thrown upon us! Victory at Sea is a real time strategy game, which like most naval strategy games is set in World War II. Victory at Sea is a rather new member in the family of naval strategy games for pc, the game was recently released on the 8th of august 2014 and was developed by Evil Twin Artworks.